RUPTURED HISTORIES is a series of Web Symposiums presented by AICA International (The Association of International Art Critics), on the initiative of the Fellowship Fund Committee. This third iteration of Ruptured Histories has the support of AICA Germany and AICA Lithuania.

DATE: Friday 23 February 2024

TIME: 15.00 (CET); 09.00 (EST)

DURATION: 2 hours

Ruptured Histories is open to AICA members and non-members, students and academics, worldwide. There is no charge for attending.

To subscribe to the Web Symposium please send an e-mail to:

You will receive a link 24 hours before the event.


The Ruptured Histories Project brings together a multiplicity of strands of the global debate on Decolonisation to enable us to investigate it from different geographical and cultural vantage points. Decolonising has been defined as the process of deconstructing colonial ideologies, attitudes, mechanisms of power, of superiority, and privilege of Western thought and approach. The awareness created by activist critiques in post- colonial debates and Subaltern studies has today evolved into proactive Decolonisation to address a range of issues. In this context, it’s important to understand that Decolonisation has a history beyond the 21st Century academic discourse and critical practice, as it has long been an integral part of the anti-colonial resistance and a vital part of the national consciousness of post- colonial nations.

Original concept: Niilofur Farrukh and Anselmo Villata

AICA International’s Fellowship Fund Committee now launches the third in this series of webinars on the complex history and legacy of colonisation and current policies of decolonisation in art criticism, exhibiting and collecting.

‘Ruptured Histories: The Street - Dynamic Decolonisation by the People’.

This webinar will investigate the informal Decolonisation process where new histories are being written on the street and public spaces. In the last few years we have seen the removal of, or intervention in, statues and monuments from the public space. These interventions are made by artists and the general populace in rejection of official narratives. These actions reveal how public memory is asserting itself to de- glorify the colonial past and its heroes and echo similar actions that followed the independence of post-colonial nations when physical remnants of the past were relocated and re-contextualised. This webinar addresses the interventions of artists and public as an important part of the discourse of Decolonisation. A discourse that is relevant in many countries.



Małgorzata Kaźmierczak Ph.D. in History. Since 2004, an independent curator of art projects in Poland and the USA, especially performance art events. Researcher and author of many essays and reviews. Between 2011-2014 – editor, writer and translator of livinggallery portal; 2006–2012 – president of the Foundation for the Promotion of Performance Art “Kesher” in Kraków, Poland; 2012–2014 – managing editor of the Art and Documentation journal; 2014–2016 – director of the City Art Gallery of Kalisz, Poland. Between 2016–2017 – editor-in-chief of the Publishing House and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Painting and New Media of the Art Academy of Szczecin, Poland. Currently, an Assistant Professor at the University of the National Education Commission in Kraków and Head of the Board of the Art Studies Discipline.
Between 2020-2024, vice-president of AICA Poland, 2021-2023 vice of president of AICA International.  

Statement on Freedom of Expression in Republic of Slovakia

Paris, January 30th, 2024

International Art Critics Association (AICA) is alarmed at the recent actions that undermine the autonomy of cultural institutions and freedom of expression in the Republic of Slovakia. Unfortunately, these actions are being carried out under the directive of the Ms Simkovicova, Minister of Culture. All such violations are unacceptable by AICA and all organizations that support the UNESCO Charter of Freedom of Expression.

AICA is a representative body of art critics based in Paris since the 1940s. It is active across the world with 9000 members in 95 countries. One of its objectives is to protect the ethical and professional rights of its members and defend impartiality and freedom of artistic expression worldwide. The Censorship and Freedom of Expression Committee of AICA actively monitors cases of censorship and human rights abuse in the art community and with the support of its members, registers protest against all violations.

AICA endorses the appeal circulated by Slovak art critics, artists, academics and curators, and expresses concern at the arbitrary merger of Kunsthalle Bratislava with Slovak National Gallery, an action that has been widely criticized for its impact on the professional standing and programming freedom of the Kunsthalle Bratislava.

AICA urges the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovakia, to put an immediate stop to the non-transparent dismissal or pressure for the resignation on the heads of the institutions under her Ministry.

The censorship of programmes and political appointment of incompetent professionals will have a detrimental effect on the development of art and culture in Slovakia and erode creative freedom at art and cultural institutions.
AICA hopes that this statement of protest will serve as a reminder that the actions to politicize and de-professionalize institutions are unethical and unacceptable by art professionals across the world.

On behalf of AICA

Malgorzata Kazmierczak, President of AICA International

Niilofur Farrukh, Chair of the Censorship Committee

The statement is also available as a PDF file by clicking HERE.

3rd Round Results - Résultats du 3ème tour - Resultados de la 3ª vuelta

Dear Colleagues,

The third and final round in the presidential election organized by the AICA International Office and supervised by the EMC Committee ended on January 28th 12pm (CET).

For this third round we reached 16,77% of participation with 780 votes.

Che.r.e.s membres,

Le scrutin du troisième et dernier tour de l'élection pour la présidence de l’AICA International organisé par le Bureau de l’AICA et supervisé par le Comité EMC s’est terminé le 28 janvier à 12h (CET).

Le taux de participation pour ce dernier scrutin est de 16,77% avec 780 votes.

Estimados/as miembros,

El escrutinio de la tercera y última vuelta de las elecciones a la Presidencia de AICA Internacional, organizado por el Buró de AICA y supervisado por el CEM, se cerró el 28 de enero a las 12h00 (CET).

La participación en esta tercrea vuelta de las elecciones fue del 16,77%, con 780 votos emitidos.

The results are / Les résultats sont les suivants / Los resultados son los siguientes

  • Malgorzata Kazmierczak: 407 votes / voix / votos

  • Mathilde Roman: 326 votes / voix / votos

  • No: 4 votes / voix / votos

  • Abstentions: 9 votes / voix / votos

  • Blank votes: 34

Congratulations to the new President of AICA International

Malgorzata Kaźmierczak (AICA Poland)

AICA's general assembly has appointed Christian Chambert (b. 1940) as International Honorary Member.


Foto: Stewen Quigley


Christian Chambert is one of AICA’s most devoted members. Ever since 1975, for a full 48 years, he has been continuously active in various positions, both in the international AICA and its Swedish section.

In international AICA, Mr. Chambert has been vice president for a maximum of twelve years and has been a member and chairman of several committees since the 1980s. During his chairmanship of the statutes committee, the statutes and regulations were updated from scratch in 2016. As a treasurer, secretary and then chairman from 1978 – 2013, Mr. Chambert made AICA Sweden the third largest section after France and the USA.

Mr. Chambert has overseen several national and international roundtable discussions, specifically in collaboration with Kim Levin and the Swedish AICA's board, he conducted round table discussions in Frankfurt, Istanbul, Ljubljana, Luxembourg and Sarajevo.

A highlight was the AICA congress in Stockholm and Malmö in 1994 on the theme “Strategies for Survival – Now!” that included talks by Jimmie Durham, Thomas McEvilley,  Ilya Kabakov, Julia Kristeva and Gerardo Mosquera among others. The congress resulted in an anthology with the same title and the book “Swedish Samples - A Conversation on Contemporary Art”, which introduced the current Swedish art scene.

Beside his deep involvement in AICA, Mr. Chambert has been a teacher at the Department of Art History at Uppsala University, where he introduced the course "Current visual art", which broadened the art field with alternative comics, graffiti, textile images and feminist aesthetics.

In 1977 he published the significant book ”Drömmen Verkligheten Upproret” [Dream Reality Insurrection] and has co-published many other books since then. Mr. Chambert is an industrious contributor to several international and Swedish art magazines. He has been writing art criticism in the newspaper Upsala Nya Tidning, in which he also has for decades tirelessly argued for a centrally located newly built art museum in his hometown of Uppsala.

AICA Sweden



Critical Instrumentation, Exhibitive and Curatorial Narratives
Croatian Architects’ Association

25 January, 2024

ORGANIZED by Croatian Section of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA Croatia)

CO-ORGANIZERS Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split

The aim of this conference is to present, examine and contextualise curatorial practices in contemporary art, in Croatian and in a region, but also specifically in regard to our lecturer Pedro Lorente’s thesis on “museums as cathedrals of urban modernity”. (1)  It is important to note that the history of curatorial practices is a relatively little studied area in Croatian art history, while it is increasingly present at the international level. Our objective with this conference is to address this important subject at the crossroads of art criticism, theory and practice. The starting point of the conference is the curatorial figure of Želimir Koščević, the 2018 laureate of AICA Croatia’s Annual Award and Lifetime Achievement Award.


Maja Ćirić, PhD (curator and independent researcher, Belgrade, Serbia); Professor Marina Gržinić, PhD (Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, Slovenia); Želimir Koščević (curator, Zagreb, Croatia); Jovanka Popova (curator, Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje, North Macedonia)

The conference is supported by AICA International and City of Zagreb, City Office for Culture and Civil Society. We would like to thank DAZ for providing the space for the conference.


Assistant Professor Silva Kalčić, PhD (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split), President of AICA Croatia with Associate Professor Asja Mandić, PhD (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sarajevo) and Professor Krešimir Purgar, PhD (Academy of Arts and Culture, J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek)


Miona Muštra (lecturer at Academy of Fine Arts, University of Zagreb)

The conference EXHIBITIVE CARTOGRAPHIES III will be held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, on 14 May, 2024.

The conference is part of a wider program that includes the workshop “How to Write about Contemporary Art” which seeks to examine relations between art and contemporarity, the discourses that shape them and figures who produce them.  The workshop in 2024 will be held in Zagreb, in collaboration with ULUPUH  and in Rijeka, in collaboration with the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMSU).

1. Jesus Pedro Lorente, Cathedrals of Urban Modernity: The First Museums of Contemporary Art 1800-1930, Farnham: Ashgate, 1998.

2nd Round Results - Résultats du 2nd tour - Resultados de la 2ª vuelta

Dear Colleagues,

The second round of the presidential election, organized by the AICA International Office and supervised by the EMC Committee, concluded on January 17th at 12 pm (CET).

During this second round, we achieved a participation rate of 14.95%, with a total of 685 votes.

Che.r.e.s membres,

Le scrutin du second tour de l'élection pour la présidence de l’AICA International organisé par le Bureau de l’AICA et supervisé par le Comité EMC s’est terminé le 17 janvier à 12h (CET).

Estimados/as miembros,

El escrutinio de la segunda vuelta de las elecciones a la Presidencia de AICA Internacional, organizado por el Buró de AICA y supervisado por el CEM, se cerró el 17 de enero a las 12h00 (CET).

La participación en esta segunda vuelta de las elecciones fue del 14,95%, con 685 votos emitidos.

The results are / Les résultats sont les suivants / Los resultados son los siguientes

  • Malgorzata Kazmierczak: 273 votes / voix / votos

  • Mathilde Roman: 198 votes / voix / votos

  • Elisa Rusca: 179 votes / voix/ votos

  • No: 2 votes / voix / votos

  • Abstentions: 5 votes / voix / votos

  • Invalid votes: 28

Third round / Troisième tour / Tercera vuelta

Since the election requires an absolute majority, a third round of voting will take place from 22 to 28 January. The candidates are:

L'élection se faisant à la majorité absolue, nous sommes conduits à engager un troisième tour du 22 au 28 janvier avec:

Dado que las elecciones se celebraron por mayoría absoluta, del 22 al 28 de enero tendrá lugar una tercera vuelta electoral con:


Małgorzata Kaźmierczak (Poland)







Mathilde Roman (France)






Schedule of the Presidential Election

  • 22th to 28th January: 3rd Round of Elections - Simple majority online voting

All paid-up members before the electoral process begins will receive an email from the eballot voting platform on January 22 at 12pm (CET), with a link to vote and personal usernames / access codes.

For more details on the process refer to : E-vote Protocol

If you encounter any issues or face difficulties while voting, please contact us at :

Calendrier de l'élection pour la présidence

  • 22 au 28 janvier : 3ème tour des élections - Vote en ligne à la majorité simple

Tous les membres à jour de leur cotisation avant le début du processus électoral recevront un courriel de la plateforme de vote eballot le 22 janvier à 12h (CET), avec un lien pour voter et des noms d'utilisateur/codes d'accès personnels.

Pour plus d’information voici un petit guide pratique : E-vote Protocol

Si vous avez des difficultés pour voter merci de nous contacter :

Calendario de la elección de la Presidencia

  • Del 22 al 28 de enero: 3ª vuelta de las elecciones - Votación en línea por mayoría simple

Todos los miembros abonados antes del inicio de las elecciones recibirán un correo electrónico de la plataforma de votación eballot el 22 de enero a las 12h (CET), con un enlace para votar y los nombres de usuario / códigos de acceso personales.

Para más detalles sobre el proceso : E-vote Protocol

Si tiene algún problema para votar, póngase en contacto con nosotros :


AICA Election Results

Treasurer - 4 years mandate

* Jesus Pedro Lorente : 33 Yes - 1 No - 2 Abstentions --> elected 

Vice-Presidents - 3 years mandate

Rui G. Cepeda: 33 Yes - 3 No - 5 Abstentions --> elected

Margarita Grullon Perea: 25 Yes - 9 No - 6 Abstentions --> elected

* Roula Matar Perret: 20 Yes - 10 No - 8 Abstentions --> not elected

Danièle Perrier: 29 Yes - 6 No - 5 Abstentions --> elected

International Board Members - 1 year mandate

* Laura Batkis: 30 Yes - 3 No - 8 Abstentions --> elected

Ana Lucia Beck: 30 Yes - 4 No - 7 Abstentions --> elected

* Susana Benko: 33 Yes - 2 No - 6 Abstentions --> elected

* Sandra Hitner: 29 Yes - 3 No - 8 Abstentions --> elected

Mihaela Ion: 35 Yes - 1 No - 4 Abstentions --> elected

*Gonzalo Leiva Quijada: 29 Yes - 5 No - 6 Abstentions --> elected

* Robert-Jan Muller: 29 Yes - 5 No - 6 Abstentions --> elected

Mathilde Roman: 24 Yes - 7 No - 9 Abstentions --> elected

* Bernhard Schulz: 30 Yes - 2 No - 8 Abstentions --> elected

Honorary president

* Lisbeth Rebollo Gonçalves: 28 Yes - 5 No - 1 Abstention --> elected

Chair of the Censorship committee

* Niilofur Farrukh 23 Yes - 1 No - 7 Abstentions --> elected for a 3 years mandate



3rd prize: Tabish Rafiq Mir (Indian-administered Kashmir)

Essay: Rumours of Spring—A commentary

Thank You:
AICA Awards Committee
AICA Jurors: Jean Bundy (AICA-USA), Sandra Hitner (AICA-Brazil), Marja-Terttu Kivirinta (AICA- Finland), Susana Sulic (AICA-France), Niilofur Farrukh (AICA Pakistan), Esra Yildiz (AICA-Turkey), Rui G, Cepeda (AICA-UK)


Dear Members

You are invited to the annual General Assembly on Friday 15 December 2023.
All paid-up members may attend the General Assembly and take part in the voting.

December 15: Online meeting at 3pm (Paris Time):
The second part of the General Assembly is organised online and dedicated to the points submitted for voting.

Here is the detailed AGENDA


THANK YOU TO CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE to the Office by sending a picture of your AICA Card:

AICA Academy Webinar

Wednesday, December 13th at 12:00pm (Paris Time)
Language: English
The webinar is free and open to non-members
Please register by sending an email to by 12th December

AICA Academy was launched in 2020 by Marc Partouche, General Secretary of AICA Int, who inaugurated the program at Paris La Sorbonne. However, the initiative faced a pause due to the pandemic. In 2023, Mathilde Roman, Treasurer of AICA Int, breathed new life into the program, aligning it with the 53rd AICA Congress in Krakow. Recognizing the need for greater inclusivity, the relaunch welcomed art critics worldwide, extending invitations beyond AICA members and including artists.

Ten art critics from diverse corners of the globe were carefully selected through an open call for participation. These individuals were granted the unique opportunity to stay at the House of Empathy in Krakow during the Congress. Facilitated by the active involvement of AICA Int members, the residency fostered an environment for the exchange of ideas, dialogue, and networking.

Throughout the 5-day Congress, AICA Academy participants actively engaged with pressing questions that resonate in the realm of art criticism. Topics such as the motivation behind writing about art, the intertwining roles of language and identities in art discourse, and the economic conditions of art critics were explored. Participants interacted with speakers, posed questions, and actively contributed to the ongoing discussions.

During the upcoming webinar, AICA Academy participants will share their reflections, research findings, and unique perspectives. The audience is invited to actively engage in dialogue, posing questions and contributing to the ongoing discourse. This webinar serves as a continuation of the Academy's mission to foster inclusivity and amplify the voices of emerging art critics.

Election of the President of AICA International: New Schedule

Dear members,

In adherence to established precedents from past presidential elections, we initially communicated that only the top two candidates from the first round would progress to the second round of the AICA Int. presidency election.

However, a critical observation made by one of our esteemed members, Mr. Christian Chambert, has brought to light a precise stipulation within our regulations (Article V9). According to this provision, in the absence of an absolute majority, the three candidates securing the highest positions in the initial round are to be retained for the subsequent round.

Unfortunately, this specific detail had eluded the notice of everyone.

Given this information, coupled with the various technical incidents that marred the voting process, we propose to modify the electoral schedule to ensure transparency, streamline efficiency, and uphold the integrity of the democratic process. This adjustment allows for a necessary breathing space, with the hope that a larger number of voters will participate.

It is our fervent aspiration that the next president will be elected under optimal conditions, ensuring a fair and impartial electoral process.

The revised schedule for the election is as follows:

  • 10th to 17th January 2024: 2nd Round of Elections - Online Voting

  • 22th to 28th January 2024: 3rd Round of Elections - Simple majority online voting (if an absolute majority is not achieved by a candidate in the 2nd round)

We extend our sincere apologies for any inconvenience you may encounter while navigating the electoral processes and sincerely appreciate your understanding. Your support and cooperation are integral to the success and credibility of this democratic undertaking.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


The Secretariat
Lisbeth Rebollo Gonçalves, President
Marc Partouche, Secretary-General

Élection de la Présidence de l’AICA International: Nouveau Calendrier

Che.è.r.e.s membres,

Nous basant sur la jurisprudence des précédents scrutins présidentiels nous avons annoncé que seules les deux candidates arrivées en tête à l'issue du premier tour restaient en lice pour le deuxième tour de l'élection à la présidence de l'AICA Int. 

Suite à une remarque de l'un de nos membres , Christian Chambert, il apparaît que notre règlement stipule très précisément (article V9)  que faute de majorité absolue, ce sont les trois candidats arrivés en tête à l'issue du premier tour qui sont retenus pour le deuxième. 

Ce point avait échappé à tout le monde. 

Au vu de cette information nouvelle et incontournable et après différents incidents techniques qui ont émaillé le vote, nous proposons de remettre le processus électoral sur des bases plus sereines et en laissant un temps de respiration, avec l'espoir également qu'un plus grand nombre de votants sera au rendez-vous.

Notre souhait est que la future présidente soit élue dans les meilleures conditions possibles et avec la plus grande légitimité. 

Les nouvelles dates  sont les suivantes:

  • 10 au 17 janvier 2024 : 2ème tour des élections - Vote en ligne

  • 22 au 28 janvier 2024 : 3ème tour des élections - Vote en ligne à la majorité simple (si un candidat n'atteint pas la majorité absolue au 2ème tour).

Nous sommes vraiment désolés des aléas qui ponctuent le cours de cette élection très importante dans la vie de notre association. Comptant sur votre compréhension et votre mobilisation. Votre soutien et votre coopération sont indispensables à la réussite de cet exercice démocratique.


Le Bureau
Lisbeth Rebollo Gonçalves, Présidente
Marc Partouche, Secrétaire Général

Elección del Presidente de AICA Internacional: Nuevo calendario

Estimados miembros,

Basándonos en la jurisprudencia de anteriores elecciones presidenciales, anunciamos que sólo los dos candidatos que quedaron en primer lugar en la primera vuelta permanecerían en la carrera para la segunda vuelta de la elección a la presidencia de AICA Int.

A raíz de una observación de uno de nuestros miembros, Christian Chambert, parece ser que nuestro reglamento estipula de forma muy precisa (artículo V9) que en ausencia de mayoría absoluta, los tres candidatos que quedaron primeros en la primera vuelta se mantienen para la segunda vuelta.

Este punto se le había escapado a todo el mundo.

A la vista de esta nueva e ineludible información, y tras los diversos incidentes técnicos que empañaron la votación, proponemos que el proceso electoral vuelva a tener una base más sólida con un respiro, con la esperanza de que vote más gente.

Nuestro deseo es que el futuro Presidente sea elegido en las mejores condiciones y con la mayor legitimidad posibles.

Las nuevas fechas son las siguientes

  • Del 10 al 17 de enero de 2024: 2ª vuelta de las elecciones - Votación en línea

  • Del 22 al 28 de enero de 2024: 3ª vuelta de las elecciones - Votación en línea por mayoría simple (si un candidato no alcanza la mayoría absoluta en la 2ª vuelta).

Sentimos mucho las molestias causadas por estas elecciones tan importantes en la vida de nuestra asociación. Contamos con su comprensión y su compromiso. Su apoyo y cooperación son esenciales para el éxito y la credibilidad de esta empresa democrática.


La Junta Directiva
Lisbeth Rebollo Gonçalves, Presidente
Marc Partouche, Secretario General

Sertão Negro launches call for artistic residencies


Photo credit: Jhony Aguiar

Applications for the 2024 Artist Residency Program at Sertão Negro Ateliê e Escola de Artes are open until December 15. Five places are on offer, one international, two national and two local.

The program aims to create a dialogue between the visual arts, the environment and traditional knowledge. This proposal, which is scheduled to take place between May and September 2024 in both national and international modalities, will last four weeks, the first of which will be spent in a Quilombo in the state of Goiás and three weeks at Sertão Negro, located in the Shangri-la neighborhood, in the northern region of Goiânia, capital of the Goiás State. Two places are on offer for the local residency, which also includes this experience in the Quilombola community, lasts 12 months and is aimed at artists or people living in Goiás. For this, Sertão Negro provides structure, resources and guidance to enable training and improvement in contemporary art. Scheduled to begin in May 2024, this type of residency offers a monthly grant of two thousand reais. By encouraging the local economy, community-based tourism and, above all, valuing traditional knowledge, this artistic residency program seeks to stimulate connections between Quilombola communities (daily life and the relationship with the land, their cultural and religious expressions) and artists in their research processes, practice and artistic poetics in the most diverse media, pictorial components and languages. During the three weeks at the Sertão Negro Ateliê e Escola de Artes, located in Goiânia/GO, the resident artists (national and international) have access to accommodation in individual chalets and food; and receive a subsidy of 1500 dollars plus the cost of airfare.

Sertão Negro
Conceived and created in 2021 by visual artist Dalton Paula and his partner Ceiça Ferreira, Sertão Negro Ateliê e Escola de Artes began its activities in 2022; and its purpose is to be a quilombo, an artistic-cultural space for experiences and exchanges with the environment.

The shared studio has a library with a collection of three thousand books, as well as equipment such as an engraving press and an industrial oven. In the backyard, as well as chalets for residents to stay in, there is a shack covered in piassaba straw, where capoeira angola, printmaking and ceramics classes are held, as well as sessions of the Maria Grampinho Film Club, whose curatorial programming highlights black cinematic productions. Built in an area of more than 960 m2 surrounded by various trees, medicinal plants and flowers, Sertão Negro was designed to be ecologically conscious, from collecting rainwater and using bio-construction techniques to preserving species native to the cerrado.

In just two years of existence, this space has made a name for itself on the art scene in the Brazilian Midwest, enabling it to connect internally, with the Goiânia community in general and with various agents in the art market, such as national and international artists, curators, gallery owners and collectors. This Sertão Negro Edital 2024 artist residency program is supported by the Open Society Foundations, through the Soros Arts Fellowship awarded to Dalton Paula in 2023.

"The residency is very important for many reasons. We could start from the perspective of exchange between different territories, countries and cultures; it's a good opportunity for residents to exchange knowledge and meet people. The residency has this character of immersion, of a time that makes it possible to develop research and this has to do with displacement, of leaving your place of comfort and this tensions, creates a situation that can be very favorable for the development of new work in terms of creativity. So, our residency has this proposal of being a leap into the deep, of giving density to be able to develop research," adds Dalton Paula.

Second round of the Presidential Election


The three candidates for the second round are MAŁGORZATA KAŹMIERCZAK (AICA Poland), MATHILDE ROMAN (AICA France) and ELISA RUSCA (AICA Switzerland)

Here are their applications :






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Video Presentation FR

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Video Presentation ENG

New Schedule for Presidential Election

The Ballot for the 2nd round of the Presidential Election will take place between January 10th and 17th, 2024..

All paid-up members will receive an email from the eballot voting platform on Janauary 10th at 12pm (CET) with a link to vote and personal usernames / access codes.

For comprehensive information on the voting process, please refer to the E-vote Protocol

In case of any issues or difficulties during the voting process please contact us:

AICA Statement on Artistic Freedom: Defending Jenin Yaseen and Challenging Censorship at the Royal Ontario Museum

As an organization dedicated to defending freedom of artistic expression, AICA expresses grave concern over the recent occurrence at the Royal Ontario Museum, in Canada, involving artist Jenin Yaseen. Days before the scheduled opening of an exhibition titled Death: Life’s Great Mystery, examining different cultural traditions of mourning and burial, the artist was contacted by ROM staff who asked her to alter specific works out of fear they would inflame tensions around the hostilities in Israel and Palestine. The museum then proceeded to interfere with the works, substituting words and cropping an image. After the artist protested by staging a sit-in inside the exhibition, the museum reversed its decision and decided to show the original works accompanied by a disclaimer. The ROM subsequently issued an apology for causing “pain and frustration”, a fact that underscores how arbitrary and precipitated its actions were in the first place.

When museums cannot be relied upon to defend the artists they exhibit and safeguard works of art in their care, but instead engage in censorship and iconoclasm, we have reached a point at which their core institutional mission is at risk. Recent cancellations and postponements of exhibitions at other venues (e.g., Islamic Art at the Frick Pittsburgh, last week; Vkhutemas at the Cooper Union, New York, in February; Philip Guston at Tate Modern, London, in 2020) point to a worrying tendency to sacrifice artistic values to political expediency. In all three cases, the cultural significance of the works is amply recognized, and their historical meaning is uncontroversial. Yet, the respective institutions chose to pratice self-censorship for fear of offending those who would misinterpret their intentions.

AICA believes fervently that the purpose of exhibitions is to make art and culture accessible to those who wish to partake in them. Challenging assumptions, instigating debate and promoting dialogue rank among the most cherished goals of free artistic expression. Fearfulness serves no one except those who seek to control the thoughts of others through intimidation. We call on exhibition venues and cultural professionals everywhere to stand their ground against political belligerence and moral panic. If we do not stand up for art and artists, who will?

On behalf of AICA,
Lisbeth Rebollo GONÇALVES
President of AICA

Chair of Censorhip & Freedom of Expression Committee

This is how I write

The art section of the Norwegian Critics’ Association (Norsk kritikerlag) welcomes you to the international, online edition of «This is How I Write» with the invited guests Julia Grosse and Estelle Nabeyrat. Moderated by philosopher, independent researcher, curator, and art critic Sofia M. Ciel. The conversation will be held in English and streamed via Zoom. 

Time and place: 
27 October 2023 at 18:00–19:00, on Zoom and Kunstnernes Hus Kino

ZOOM LINK (Meeting ID: 975 6652 8624)

The work of the critic has been much discussed in recent years; particularly with a focus on the critic and criticism’s increasingly vulnerable situation. The conversation series «This is How I Write» aims to give a professional insight into the art critic’s work as a writing practice. In 2021 and 2023, the Norwegian Critics’ Association conducted four critic talks in Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen, and Tromsø, intending to strengthen the conversation around the critic’s role and create a better understanding of the importance of criticism for the local art scene in the listed cities. The international edition seeks to broaden that perspective. We therefore invite two experienced, international critics to a conversation about their work as art critics, and how they operate within their specific fields.

Julia Grosse is co-founder and artistic director of the platform Contemporary And (C&). She is a lecturer at the Institute for Art in Context at the University of the Arts in Berlin and associate curator at Gropius Bau. Grosse studied art history and worked as a columnist and arts journalist in London for taz, FAZ and AD Magazine. She has written and co-edited several books and in 2020 was (together with Yvette Mutumba) the winner of the prize «European Cultural Manager of the Year». At the moment she is curating the solo show «John Akomfrah. A Space of Empathy» at Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt.

Estelle Nabeyrat is a curator and art critic. She lives and works in France and Spain. Her texts are regularly published in various magazines (Camera Austria, Le Quotidien de l’art, Texte zur Kunst, Contemporânea) and catalogues. As a curator, she has organised several exhibitions at Centre d’art Le Lait (Albi), Municipal Galleries of Lisbon, Quadrado Azul Gallery (Lisbon), Neuer Aachner Kunstverein (Aachen), the Republic Museum (Rio de Janeiro) among other venues. Together with Pedro De Lano, she recently completed a research followed by an online curatorial selection entitled «Hors-sol, formes en exil», focusing on Latino & Caribbean artists from the Cnap collection. With Eva Barto, she is a co-founder of the radio show «ForTune» (Duuu* Radio), dealing with art workers’ working conditions. She is currently tutoring at the design department of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Paris-Saclay.