AICA, established in Paris since the 1940s, stands as a global representative body for art critics, boasting a membership of approximately 5 500 individuals spanning across 95 countries.
Our mission encompasses safeguarding the ethical and professional rights of ART PROFESSIONALS while championing impartiality and the unfettered expression of art worldwide.
Through our Censorship and Freedom of Expression Committee, AICA diligently tracks instances of censorship and breaches of artistic liberties, offering unwavering support to ART PROFESSIONALS through advocacy and heightened visibility of their cases.
AICA protests against the destruction of the works of Greek artist Christoforos Katsadiotis - Letter to the Minister of Culture in Greece
AICA protests against the destruction of the works of Greek artist Christoforos Katsadiotis - Letter to the National Gallery – Alexandros Soutsos Museum
AICA protests against the destruction of the works of Greek artist Christoforos Katsadiotis - Letter to Permanent Delegation of Greece to UNESCO
AICA International Condemns U.S. Policies Undermining Artistic Freedom
Artists Under Attack in Georgia - AICA and Freemuse Call for Action
AICA Condemns Censorship and Vandalism of Ruth Flores's Artwork in Paraguay
Human Rights Violations and Attacks on Artistic Freedom in Georgia (Letter to Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner, European Commission)
Human Rights Violations and Attacks on Artistic Freedom in Georgia (Letter to Matjaz Gruden, Director for Democracy, Council of Europe)
Condemning Censorship of Inci Eviner's Work at Mathaf Museum, Qatar
Letter to the Governor of the Beyoğlu District Governorate, Istanbul, opposing censorship in Turkey.
Letter to UNESCO: Appeal Against Anti-Cultural Policies in Argentina
Campaign in solidarity with Pro-Democracy Movement in Hong Kong ENG | FR | SP
Refusal of entry of Mr Eyal Weizman into United States of America