AICA-USA 2018 Annual Meeting
AICA-USA’s 2018 annual meeting is Saturday May 19 at The Brooklyn Rail Headquarters at Industry City in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The meeting will be held at The Brooklyn Rail headquarters and will coincide with a panel discussion featuring David Salle and Carroll Dunham.Our host and AICA-USA board member Phong Bui says, “Ever since Susan Harris was the guest critic for the Rail’s November 2016 issue, which featured a luminous selection of our writer colleagues who are AICA members and board members, we have kept the collaboration alive with many AICA writers contributing regularly to our Art Seen reviews, such as Barbara and Alfred MacAdam, Lilly Wei, EleanorHeartney, Amei Wallach, and Susan herself as an ongoing effort to keep the collaboration alive.
On the occasion of our forthcoming event featuring David Salle and Carroll Dunham on their respective publications, How to See and The Collected Writings of Carroll Dunham, I thought it would be a timely occasion to create a panel discussion coinciding with Industry City’s Open Studios, which invites the local artist community to participate.”
David Salle in Conversation with Carroll Dunham, moderated by Phong Bui
Panelists: Josephine Halvorson, Adam Pendleton, Martha Schwendener, and Amei Wallach
Rail HQ
253 36th Street, Suite C304
Industry City in Sunset Park
Saturday, May 19
Coffee and bagels: 10:30am
Conversation: 11am–12:30pm
AICA-USA Business Meeting: 12:30–1:00pm
Paul Cézanne, Boy in a Red Waistcoat, 1888–1890, oil on canvas
National Gallery of Art, Washington, Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of the National Gallery of Art