AICA International and its Committee on Censorship and Freedom of Expression today sent a letter to the Cuban government expressing our protest to the detainment of several artists in Havana earlier this month, and against the decree 349 that will censor and limit artistic freedom in Cuba.

Cc’s were sent to Index on Censorship and the Organization of American States (OAS).

Letter (please scroll down for the Spanish version):

To: Council of Ministers of Cuba
att. Mr. Alpidio Alonso Grau, Minister of Culture

Paris, 11 December 2018

Subject: Arrest Tania Bruguera/Decree 349

cc. Index on Censorship

Dear Mr. Alpidio Alonso Grau,

The international Association of Art Critics (AICA) is a global organisation, established in 1948 by UNESCO, comprising art critics who are actively engaged in improving International cooperation in the fields of artistic creativity, mediation and endeavour.

AICA believes that freedom of expression is an important principle and as a basic civil right must be defended.
A hallmark of any democracy is its willingness to allow, consider and withstand critical as well as benign points of view and to accommodate peaceful protest.

We are concerned that artist and activist Tania Bruguera and others, Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara and Yanelys Nuñez Leyva, as well as poet Amaury Pacheco, were among those arrested in Cuba on 3 December when staging a protest against the proposed new legislation Decree 349 that will censor and limit artistic freedom in the Cuba.

AICA condemns constraints on freedom of expression. On behalf of AICA International we call upon the Cuban government to repeal this proposed law and to afford artists their fundamental human right to freedom of expression.

Yours sincerely,

Robert-Jan Muller, Acting Chair, Committee on Censorship and Freedom of Expression

Lisbeth Rebollo Gonçalves, President, AICA International

Marjorie Allthorpe-Guyton, Secretary-General, AICA International

Mathilde Roman, Treasurer, AICA International

Letter (Spanish version):

Consejo de Ministros de Cuba.
Sr. Alpidio Alonso Grau, Ministro de Cultura.

París, 11 de diciembre de 2018

Objeto: Arresto de Tania Bruguera / Decreto 349 Censura

Estimado Sr. Alpídio Alonso Grau,

La Asociación Internacional de Críticos de Arte (AICA) es una organización mundial, fundada en 1948 por la UNESCO, integrada por críticos de arte que participan activamente en la mejora de la cooperación internacional en los campos de la creatividad artística, la mediación y el fomento.

AICA cree que la libertad de expresión es un principio importante y como derecho civil básico debe ser defendido.
Un sello distintivo de cualquier democracia es su disposición a permitir, considerar y consentir diversos puntos de vista, tanto críticos como a favor, así como a tolerar protestas pacíficas.

Nos preocupa que la artista y activista Tania Bruguera y otroscomo Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara y Yanelys Nuñez Leyva, así como el poeta Amaury Pacheco, estuvieran entre los detenidos en Cuba el 3 de diciembre cuando protestaban contra la nueva legislación, el Decreto 349 que censura y limita la libertad artística en Cuba.

AICA condena las restricciones a la libertad de expresión. En nombre de AICA Internacional, pedimos al gobierno cubano que derogue ese decreto y que se permita a los artistas su derecho humano fundamental a la libertad de expresión.


Robert-Jan Muller Presidente de Comité de Censura y Libertad de Expresión

Lisbeth Rebollo Gonçalves Presidenta de AICA Internacional

Marjorie Allthorpe-Guyton, Secretaria General de AICA Internacional

Mathilde Roman, Tesorera de AICA Internacional